Sycamore Gap is on Hadrian’s Wall, Northern England. I was fortunate enough to stay at a bunkhouse, which is located on the path that follows Hadrian’s Wall. One hiker who joined me for dinner my first night there told me about it. My host was kind enough to give me a ride to a bus stop and off I went. The bus that follows Hadrian’s Wall was easy to remember: AD122. That was the year the Wall was completed. I purchased a day pass from the driver so that I could get on and off the bus at no additional cost while visiting key sites along the wall. There was no bus stop at this tree. So, I got off the bus at one of the archeological digs and followed the path to the gap then continued on to the next bus stop. While walking I encountered people of all ages. I saw one couple in their 70’s or 80’s. The wife was more spry and the husband shuffled along. I hope I’m still walking along beautiful paths like this when I’m that age.